Accountinsights: Why You Need One More Busy Season

If you can interrupt the cycle of long working hours and if money is not an issue, will you be happy doing audits? 

man staring at blurred background
Photo by Saulo Mohana on Unsplash

“If money and the long working hours are not issues, will you keep staying in audit?”

I used to work with high-performing teams. 

Every time I ask this question to any one of them, I get varying responses.

We each have different reasons for entering an audit firm.

Some of us came here for the learning and experience.

Some wanted the prestige of working with known brands.

Some came at the urging of their parents and relatives.

Some wanted to prove other people wrong that they cannot last for longer than a year.

Some simply followed the path that most of their peers took.

No matter what the reason is, after each season, you will still find yourself asking:

Is the same reason I had when I first started still the same reason I have now?

There is a common thread binding all these responses.

Behind each masked response, people have unvoiced reasons.

“I’m doing it for my family.”

“I’m doing it now so that I can get more value for myself sometime in the future.”

“I’m doing it now so that I can learn how to run my business or a company in the future.”

“I’m doing it so that I can get the money that will enable me to fulfill my passion. 

You see, behind each work, there is a self-centered interest. 

And it’s ok to have that. Because we’re humans. 


If you can interrupt the cycle of long working hours and if money is not an issue, will you be happy at audit? 

Just one of the questions I’m trying to answer through this newsletter Less Than 60 Hours.

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About the Author

Tin Mariano is a CPA (Content creator, Problem-solver, Accountant) who inspires millennials & Gen Z professionals to G.R.I.T. their way to happiness. Follow her on LinkedIn.